The MGH and BWH Departments of Emergency Medicine support and promote the success of our women residents, and the HAEMR Women’s Initiative (HWI) is devoted to enacting that commitment. We are a community of women residents at HAEMR working to identify and address some of the challenges of working in Emergency Medicine that are specific to women. We represent a wide diversity of backgrounds and experiences coming together to offer mentorship and camaraderie as we all attempt to balance the imperatives of our professional and personal pursuits. The HWI meets regularly to plan residency-wide initiatives and career development opportunities, as well as opportunities for community involvement to encourage young women interested in careers in medicine.
Please reach out to our current chairs with any questions:
Jamie Aron, PGY-3: jaron@mgh.harvard.edu
Caitlin Craft-Hacherl, PGY-3: ccraft-hacherl@mgh.harvard.edu
Lindsay Walsh, PGY-3: lvwalsh@mgb.org
Mission Statement:
In service of the extraordinary coalition of female physicians at HAEMR, the HAEMR Women’s Initiative promotes the success, supports the development, and empowers the aspirations of the women residents in our program and the greater community.

Host biannual residency-wide meetings
Celebrate the academic awards and publications of HAEMR women
Identify gaps and disparities in the experience of women in our EDs
Foster supportive environment for personal wellness
Provide mentorship for our residents in academic pursuits
Publish regular newsletter
Coordinate with local women in EM organizations
Serve our community by engaging young women interested in science and medicine